Tietoevry Create is operating ungfritid.no. They see there is room for potential for maintaining good user usability. Tietoevry Create wants the group to do a full UX-evaluation of the page (included, but not restricted to WCAG. They also want the group to make suggestions and a improved prototype. You have to perform the project throughout a design process.
The group was originally 4, but was reduced to 3 due to a student that unregistered to the subject.​​​​​​​
Existing webpages desktop and mobile:
Landing page - Desktop
Landing page - Desktop
Activity page - Desktop
Activity page - Desktop
Landing page - Mobile
Landing page - Mobile
Activity page - Mobile
Activity page - Mobile
Landing page with menu open - Desktop
Landing page with menu open - Desktop
Landing page with menu open - Mobile
Landing page with menu open - Mobile
My role in this project was having responsibility of the digital prototyping, and being in charge of this process.
After the Ux-evaluation, we mapped the insight, and made a Moscow-Priority plan, to map what is critical for an achieve a successful page. 
Based of the insight, we sketched first low-fidelity prototypes, and worked our way towards high-fidelity, trough different iterations.
Our final product is neat, clear, modern and including. The colors are carefully picked, and is well balanced and adapted.
Landing page unsorted - Desktop
Landing page unsorted - Desktop
Landing page sorted with tags - Mobile
Landing page sorted with tags - Mobile
Activity page - Desktop
Activity page - Desktop
Activity page - Mobile
Activity page - Mobile
Comfirmation page for activity registration - Mobile
Comfirmation page for activity registration - Mobile
Hamburger menu - Mobile
Hamburger menu - Mobile
Subject content NTNU: https://www.ntnu.no/studier/emner/IDG2200#tab=omEmnet 
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