FALL 2022
As an educational institution, NTNU depends on a good system for handling various relationships between administration, study program leaders, subject teachers and students. Today, some of the tasks that are relevant to this, are handled through the Blackboard solution as an LMS (learning management system).
NTNU's contract with Blackboard is coming to an end and a new solution must be in place. In this context, the group will take on the complexity of such a system via the system's various stakeholders and conceptualize, structure and design a solution that handles findings from the insight work in the best possible way.
We were organized in groups of four students. Two graphic designers and two interactions designers.
The process
The process included a lot of insight work (not enough space in on this page) from interviews. Study program leaders, subject teachers and students were interviewed. This resulted in a lot information to gather and affinity map. 
After affinity mapping all the 3 target audience interviews, we created a "venndiagram" that showcased what should be focused on what page. 
Unsorted affintiydiagram from interviews with Students.
Unsorted affintiydiagram from interviews with Students.
It was created personas, including scenarios based on the insights gathered. We chose two that we wanted to take further, and prototype after. Emil as a student, and Trine as a Subject teacher.
Persona Emil (NORWEGIAN)
Persona Emil (NORWEGIAN)
Persona Trine (Norwegian)
Persona Trine (Norwegian)
It was created a few Lo-fi sketches before the digital prototyping began.
Classio Learning material system Desktop
This collection of screenshots are from the Classio LMS on desktop. Logged in as a subject teacher/ study program leader.

Homepage - Desktop

Message page - Desktop

Calendar page - Desktop

Classio Learning Material system Mobile
This collection of screenshots are from the Classio LMS for mobile displays. Logged in as a student.
Course content: https://www.ntnu.edu/studies/courses/IDG3009#tab=omEmnet 
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